Maternity with clarity
I am a midwife, coach, and above all, a mother of two children.
For more than 15 years, I have been guiding women through the journey of pregnancy and motherhood.
I help them find their “golden middle path” amidst the flood of information coming at them from all sides, so they are not solely dependent on what others advise them, but can instead trust in their own abilities

About me
I am a midwife, lactation consultant, coach, and above all, a mom of two wonderful children.
I have found a way to support women during pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood, so that they experience the changes this period brings with satisfaction and perspective.
I know the key to experiencing this important life milestone according to individual needs.
I provide complete prenatal preparation on how to confidently manage pregnancy and the arrival of a baby, and how to reduce the fear of childbirth.
I also guide women through the postpartum period, focusing on breastfeeding.
The preparation is full of inspiration and practical advice, verified through practice and real-life stories.
The daily reward is seeing a happy, confident family who knows their needs and has answers to their questions.
But it has been a long journey to get here…

Download a free ebook
11 Steps to Overcome the Fear of Childbirth
Get inspiring advice and guidance on successfully overcoming your fear of childbirth.
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